Noise Mitigation in Passenger Tyres
Module Title: Designing for Sustainable Manufacture | Location: London, UK | Dates: Feb 2023 - Apr 2023 |
This project, part of the EMS501U module, investigated noise mitigation strategies in tyre design. The aim was to identify materials and design modifications that minimise noise while maintaining commercial viability. The final designs and findings were presented to industry experts from Aston Martin F1.
Project Overview:
Design and Material Selection: The project utilised material indices and decision matrices to select materials optimised for noise reduction. Key design elements included a shallow, symmetrical tread, radial cap plies, and internal foam for effective dampening of cavity resonance.
Material Processing: The chosen materials and components, including natural rubber for the tread and polyurethane foam for internal noise reduction, were evaluated for manufacturability and cost-efficiency using processes such as extrusion and polymer forging.
Performance Review: The design successfully reduced noise and demonstrated improvements in fuel efficiency and wear resistance, though with some limitations in wet grip.
For more detailed findings, refer to the full report here and the presentation here.
Learning Outcomes:
This project honed my skills in sustainable design, material selection, and presenting technical solutions to industry stakeholders.
Key Skills: Sustainable Design, Material Analysis, Noise Reduction, Technical Presentation.