Dissertation Project: On-orbit Satellite Refuelling System

This project focuses on addressing the limited lifetimes of satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) due to fuel depletion. My dissertation, supervised by Dr. Angadh Nanjangud, proposes the ‘Beyond Fuel’ system, which offers on-orbit refuelling services to extend the operational life of satellites.

The study involves designing and simulating orbit maintenance and rendezvous manoeuvres for a depot satellite and a service vehicle. Using Python and FreeFlyer simulations, the research models orbital decay, station-keeping, and rendezvous manoeuvres, calculating the associated fuel costs.

Key findings include:

  • The depot satellite operates at a 550km altitude, inclined at 53 degrees, requiring 104.2382 kg of fuel for 20-year orbit maintenance.
  • The service vehicle needs 182.2057 kg of fuel for an exemplary rendezvous mission.

This project aims to reduce the costs and frequency of satellite replacements by providing a sustainable refuelling solution in space.
